Monday, November 4, 2019

Today we started off our carpet time with SUBITIZING dot cards!  

Subitizing is when we recognize arrangements of dots without counting...much like recognizing dots on a dice.  We started off with some easy ones and progressed to more tricky cards.  For example we would look at the typical dice formation for the number 5 with two extra dots at the side.  We are learning to quickly recognize the number 5 and count on two more to get to 7.  We even looked at 3 rows of 3 dots and figured out that it was 9 dots, without even counting them!

We can pracitice subitizing by playing games with dice.

Another skill we have been working on is stating numbers that come before or after other numbers and counting to 10 starting from any number between 1 and 10 (ie. count from 4 to 9).  We can practice this skill by filling in missing numbers in a number line.

Today we read a big book about patterns and we discovered that patterns can be made in all sorts of different ways.  We really focused on labeling our patterns, for example, a red-blue-red-blue pattern is an AB pattern and a red-red-blue-red-red-blue pattern is an AAB pattern etc.  We even labeled three colour patterns as ABC patterns!

During table work time today we were pattern making EXTRAORDINAIRES.  Using coloured blocks we made all sorts of amazing patterns.  Some of the patterns we made were:


As long as it repeats then its a pattern!

We were so busy making patterns that I didn't even have time to take any photos!

See if you can find some patterns at home!  We LOVE finding patterns on our clothes!

Just a reminder that on Thursday this week (November 7) we will have our class photos taken!  
We hope that all our smiling faces can be in our class photo!
It is also photo retake day for anyone that would like to have retakes done.  Please send back your proof sheet or a note to us if you would like your child to have retakes or if your child was away on the first photo day.

Have a great week!

💖 Mrs. Seddon 💖

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