Monday, November 18, 2019

We had a lovely math-filled Monday in together in Kindergarten today.

Today we started the day by playing a partner math game that allowed us to practice our subitizing skills.

At carpet time we started the day with a sharing circle.  Next we warmed up our math brains by subitizing tricky dot patterns with up to 10 dots.  
We also practiced stating what number comes after another number as well as what number comes before another number.  

Next we learned all about 5 frames.  5 frames are a tool that allow us to easily visualize numbers to 5 and how they can be broken up into their parts.  For example, a 5 frame allows us to easily see that 5 can be made up of 2 and 3 or 4 and 1 or 5 and 0.  Together we practiced putting counters onto our 5 frames and creating math sentences based on the 5 frame.

Next we were introduced to our new math problem solving journals.  Today our problem was How many ways can you make 5?

Using double sided counters we poured 5 counters onto the table and then drew the combination in our journals.  



At centre time each child worked individually with me on math concepts such as counting forwards and backwards from any number between 1 and 10 and creating sets of objects by regrouping numbers (rather than counting from 1 each time).  We also played a game where I would hide beads from a set of 5 (and for some children, 10) and they would tell me how many I was hiding.

Have a great week everyone!

💖 Mrs. Seddon 💖

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