Tuesday, May 19, 2020

May 19-22

Hello Kindergarten Families!

I hope you had a wonderful long weekend and were able to enjoy some time together!

It was so nice to see most of you during our Google Meet last week!
It made me SO happy to see your smiles and hear your voices! 

Last week we learned about three more 3D shapes.  
Check out some of our amazing creations!

First we learned about cones...

Then we learned about rectangular prisms and triangular prisms...

And lastly we learned about pyramids...

This week we will be doing some more activities with the 3D shapes we have learned!

Please find this weeks schedule by clicking HERE

Day 1
  • Start this week by watching this cute song about 3D shapes by clicking HERE
  •        Now you are going to solve this problem:

  • Make a simple ramp using a flat surface (ie. book) and raising it up
  • Gather all the 3D shapes we have learned about (cube, cylinder, sphere, cone, rectangular prism, triangular prism, pyramid)
  • For each shape, test it to see if it will roll, slide or stack, but before trying each one have your child make predictions, for example:
"I think the sphere will roll because it is round all over."
"I think the cube will slide because it is flat and not round."
"I don't think the pyramid will stack because it has a point on the top."
  • Encourage your child to try out all sides of each shape and let them make discoveries and talk about what they are finding out (for example, a cylinder will roll on it's sides but stack on it's ends or a cone will stack on top of another shape but you can't stack something on top of a cone because it is pointy on top).
  • Have your child record their findings on the sheet found HERE by circling which shapes can do each action and crossing out the ones that can't
  • Finish off today by watching a song about shapes that stack, slide and roll HERE

Day 2
  • Watch this little movie about making 3D shapes HERE and 
  • Today you can go on a 3D shape hunt scavenger hunt outside:
    • You can use the sheet found HERE to guide your hunt.  There is no triangular prism on this sheet, but you could add that one on the back if you like. 
    • Consider letting your child use a camera, phone or tablet to take pictures of the things that they see on your hunt.
    • Hint:  look at the roofs of houses for some interesting 3D shapes!  Trees can also offer some great 3D shapes, as can playgrounds (I know you can't play on them, but you can still look at them!)

Day 3
  • Watch another little song about 3D shapes HERE
  • Click HERE for the math game this week!  This game encourages discussion about the difference between 2D and 3D objects.  You will need to print the game and cut out the pieces before playing

If you didn't have a chance to play some of the games from previous weeks you can find them all again HERE

Also...Next Monday, May 25 we are going to have a Magical Monday Google Meet!  I am so excited that I will be able to see you all again next Monday!  I will send you all the information about this in a separate email on Thursday of this week so please watch for that!

Have a wonderful week and remember to sing in the rain (and splash in some puddles too!)

💖 Mrs. Seddon 💖

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