Monday, October 29, 2018


Today was all about PATTERNS!

Today we talked about what a pattern is.  We learned that a pattern is something that repeats over and over again.  

We made patterns with our bodies (clap, stomp, clap, stomp, clap, stomp) 
and patterns with our class (boy, girl, boy, girl, boy, girl) and then we made patters with various objects in our classroom.

We discovered that we can make patterns with different colours 
(orange, black, orange, black, orange, black),

and patterns with different shapes 
(circle, triangle, circle, triangle, circle, triangle).

We can make patterns with different animals (cat, dog, cat, dog, cat, dog), 
and patterns with different sizes (big, small, big, small, big, small).

Basically we decided that we can make patterns with anything!  
We even made patterns out of the same objects (keys) just by laying them down in different ways (straight, side ways, straight, side ways etc.)

We got to work making a variety of different patterns!

Check out some of our cool patterns!

Patterning is a foundational skill for mathematic success in the future and a very important part of our Kindergarten curriculum.  Today we focused only on two part repeating patterns (ABABAB).  In the coming weeks we will explore more complex patterns as well as three part patterns.  
Talk about patterns at home and look for some...they are everywhere!!

Today we also started our number journals and practiced printing the number 1!

We also had an amazing time at centre time playing in our new airplane centre!  Tickets were being bought for Mexico, Disneyland and Hawaii.  There was even a pretend fire on the airplane in the afternoon class!  

In the gym we played a new tag game called Ghosties in the Night...we ran and ran and got our hearts beating so fast!

I'm in for Miss Roberts tomorrow, so I'll see you then...but if I don't get a chance to say it, have a very Happy Halloween!

🎃 Mrs. Seddon 🎃

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