Monday, February 25, 2019

It is so exciting to see our little kindergarteners becoming such incredible mathematicians!


Today we spent some more time working with ten frames.  We practiced counting onwards and backwards to create new quantities.  When asked to show a quantity many children will start counting from 1 each time.  We are learning that if we have 5 and we need to get 8, we can just count on from 5...6, 7, 8 rather than starting from 1 again.  We can also do this when we need less of something by counting backwards.

Next we learned a new game to play with a partner using the ten frame cards.  The game involves looking at quantity, stating the quantity and using math vocabulary such as more than, less than and equal to.


We also had fun at centre time today...

It's hard to believe that February is already coming to an end!  
How time flies when you're having fun!

See you next Monday!

💖 Mrs. Seddon 💖

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