Friday, May 31, 2019

We have had a VERY exciting couple of weeks in Kindergarten!

Our excitement began last week when we found out that we would have the chance to take care of three little chicks from the farm that Mrs. Seddon worked at for years.

Rosie the hen had laid too many eggs in her nest and she needed some help to take care of the chicks when they hatched.

So, we began to learn a LOT about baby chicks.  

Here are some things that we learned:

 "A Mommy chicken is called a hen and a Daddy chicken is a rooster."
  "A hen lays one egg every day and when she has lots of eggs she sits on them in a nest."
"The Mommy keeps the eggs warm under her belly."
  "Inside the egg a baby chick grows big."
  "The chick grows in the egg and eats the yolk in its belly button."
  "It takes 21 days for the chick to grow."

'Chick' out some of our work!



Next we learned that when a chick is ready to hatch it breaks a little hole in the egg and begins to breathe air.  After a long sleep the chick begins to peck it's way out the egg.  It has an egg tooth on the end of it's beak that falls off after a few days.  It is hard work for the baby chick to hatch!


Next we met our chicks and we were IN LOVE!  

We learned all about the parts of a chick:

We had to think about all the things our chicks would need.  We thought they would need food and water, and we learned that they need a heat lamp to stay warm.  We also learned that they need fresh air, exercise and LOVE!

Wow!  We are chick experts.  We are very proud of our babies.

Meet...Sparkles, Niblet and Bob!!!

We love our little chicks!

We love to spend time observing them...

Reading to them...

And taking them outside...

We all learned to hold a chick safely and gently. 
This was a very special moment for us!  
Here we all are:

We are looking forward to watching our chicks grow and change over the next week.
We are also excited to take them back to the farm on our field trip on June 11.  Please be sure to send your field trip forms back to school on Monday if you haven't already done so.  Thank you!

🐥 Mrs. Seddon 🐥

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