Monday, June 3, 2019

Today we focused on the number 8.  We practiced printing the number 8 and we talked about ways that we can make the number 8 by breaking it into smaller parts (4 and 2, 7 and 1 etc.).

We had this open ended math problem to solve...

Farmer Ruth went to the chicken house and collected 8 eggs.  How many hens were there and how many eggs did they each lay?

Open ended problems such as this allow children to explore math concepts without working towards one correct answer.  This gives children the chance to take risks with their work and explore math problems without the pressure of getting it correct.

Here are some samples of our work...



We have also been learning to count use tally marks.  A couple of weeks ago we learned a tally mark game.  We remember how to tally by saying, 'one, two, three, four, number 5 shuts the door.'  Some of us were even keen to try counting our tally marks up by fives!


Please remember to send your field trip forms back if you haven't already!
We are getting very excited about our trip to the farm!

Have a great week ahead!

💖 Mrs. Seddon 💖

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