Saturday, September 28, 2019

This past Monday we were busy bees in Kindergarten!  

We started our day by signing in our names as we always do!  
We are working hard to print our names the 'kindergarten' way with an upper case letter first, and then the remaining letters lower case.  Changing over from writing all capital letters is hard work and needs practice! 


Next we moved on to our independent work.  
We know the routines so well now!



We were so busy working on sorting, counting, number recognition, and building spatial awareness using pattern blocks.  
The first 20 minutes of our day is full of hands on learning.

During carpet time we read a big book together called Counting at the Zoo.  

We talked about numbers and counting and we practiced counting the animals in the book.  We practiced showing numbers on our fingers and we learned to count on from 5 to show numbers that are bigger than 5.  For example to show 8, we don't need to count from 0...we can show one hand and say 5 and then count ON, 6, 7, 8 on the other hand to get to 8.

Next we met Mikey the Math Monkey!  Mikey LOVES math and the children LOVED watching Mikey try to count.  Mikey tends to count items in a clump and often misses an item or recounts it.  He also counts very quickly and gets very mixed up.  The children had all sorts of advice for Mikey to make sure he counted accurately!

We learned that moving items as we count them or putting them in a line helps us to ensure that we count properly!

We got to work putting numbers 1 to 10 in order and then making sets of objects for each number.

Look how hard we were working!

Here is some of our work:

We played a fun game in the gym, pretending hula hoops were our cars, using a variety of locomotor movements. During centre time all children had a chance to work one on one with me naming numbers and demonstrating their counting skills.

I apologize for the delay in getting this blog post out to you.  I try hard to post the blog after school on Mondays, but sometimes life gets too busy!

I hope you all have a warm and cozy weekend and I will see you on Monday!

💖 Mrs. Seddon 💖

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! I have already noticed a difference in the interest to play independently and a bit of "help" sorting laundry (lol)!
