Saturday, September 14, 2019

Welcome to Magical Mondays in Kindergarten!

It has been such a pleasure getting to know your beautiful children over the past couple of weeks!  I am thrilled and honoured to be a part of your child's very special Kindergarten year!

Each Monday we will be exploring early numeracy (aka math) concepts in our classroom.  We will count, make sets of objects, represent quantity by drawing and printing, learn how numbers can be broken into parts, use dice, sort objects, make patterns, explore shapes, experiment with measurement and have lots of fun!  

We started math this week with sorting activities. We looked at some objects and talked about what we noticed about each object.  We noticed that each object had a colour, a size and a shape.  We learned a big new word...ATTRIBUTE!

We talked about grouping objects together by their attributes.  We discovered that we could make many different groupings from the same objects depending on which attribute we chose.  We used the smartboard to practice sorting some shapes by their colour, their shape and their size!

Next we got to work sorting and working in small groups!

The groups were asked to come up with a sorting rule together.
Working and collaborating in a small group is a big part of Kindergarten math and can be a new challenge for some of our young learners!

Most groups started by sorting by the attribute of colour.

We also tried sorting by the attribute of shape and the attribute of size.

We had so much fun sorting!  Maybe try sorting some items at home, using the word attribute to decide on the sorting rule!  Blocks, lego, teddy bears, shoes and even laundry are some fun things to sort!

If you are wondering what a day looks like in our classroom this is a typical schedule that we might follow:

At arrival time we sign our names in and then work on activities set out on the tables or carpet area.  We do this for about 20 minutes.

Carpet time involves gathering as a group to sing songs, read stories, share ideas and learn new things.

Table work involves a task that we all work on at the same time.

Next we usually have snack. 

Sometimes we have quiet play which is time for us to quietly play with small toys from our shelves while we wait for others to finish snack or their work.

We go to the gym 3-4 times a week and music 1-2 times a week.  We also visit the school library once a week.

Centre time is a favorite part of our day when we may choose what to play with in our classroom!  Blocks, dramatic play, sand, puzzles, science table, painting, playdough, smartboard, drawing and looking at books are just some of the many things to do and explore in our classroom.

We end our day with another carpet time where we might look at the calendar and discuss coming events, have a sharing circle or read a story.

We are busy, busy, busy, and always having fun in Kindergarten!

Try asking your child which is his/her favorite centre so far in Kindergarten!

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You can also check out Miss Roberts' blog at:

I look forward to seeing you all again on Monday (this past week I was in on Wednesday instead of Monday, but my usual day is Monday).

I'm also looking forward to getting to know you more at Parent-Teacher Conferences next Thursday and Friday!

Have a lovely weekend!

💖  Mrs. Seddon  💖

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Mrs. Seddon! So looking forward to getting to know you this year!
